Significant Earthquakes

Global map

My earthquakes

you d'ont have saved earthquakes.

Safety tips

In case of an earthquake!
I felt an earthquake

LastQuake app

Free and ad-free mobile application informing citizens in case of an earthquake and gathering their testimonies in the aftermath via comments, pictures, and videos.

Significants Earthquakes


your details


earthquakes near me


Restrict number of notifications

Safety check

In case of destructive earthquake warn your relatives that you are out of danger.

your contacts


Safety tips



Terms of use



app version3.0.5
designed byHelena Bukovac & Arian Bozorg
developped byEMSC
translated by


User manual

1. The earthquakes in the LastQuake app are categorized by color:

Earthquake not known to be felt.
Felt earthquake. No location and no magnitude yet.
Earthquake felt locally and/or low shaking level. No damage expected.
Earthquake felt at larger distances. Shaking can be locally strong. No significant damage expected.
Widely felt earthquake with strong local shaking. Possibility of local and/or minor damage.
Major felt earthquake and strong shaking level. Damage to be expected at short epicentral distances and/or for sub-standard buildings.
Earthquake known to be destructive.
Earthquake not known to be felt and Tsunami Information issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC).
Earthquake not known to be felt and Tsunami Warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC).
Tsunami Information or Tsunami Warning issued by the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. The icon can be associated to any of the above colors.
Tsunami evaluation in progress. More information to come. The icon can be associated to any of the above colors.
No tsunami risk. The icon can be associated to any of the above colors.
Shaking triggered by explosion.
Shaking triggered by drilling.
Shaking triggered by landslide.
Shaking triggered by meteorite.
Shaking triggered by sonic boom.
Shaking triggered by volcano eruption.

2. Pics and videos of interest

We are looking for pictures about earthquakes's impacts:

  • Damage within its context (buildings, bridges, roads,... not too close up);
  • Effects on landscapes (landslides, liquefactions, ground's failures...);
  • While respecting people dignity.

Please send only images that you shoot yourself. The EMSC respects copyright laws.

3. Geolocation and notifications

The geolocation used by our notification service is your geolocation from the last time you opened the LastQuake app.

information channels


Official EMSC X channel where to find rapid earthquake information as well as educational tweets about seismology and earthquake preparedness.

Official EMSC BlueSky channel where to find rapid earthquake information as well as educational tweets about seismology and earthquake preparedness.

Telegram Bot

The EMSC now operates a Telegram Bot; it is free and add free, and will allow you to receive personalized information about felt earthquakes around you! - Join the service @LastQuake at


EMSC website for desktop where to find rapid earthquake information and testimonies from the eyewitnesses, as well as in-depth information about the EMSC.


EMSC website for desktop where to find rapid earthquake information and testimonies from the eyewitnesses, as well as in-depth information about the EMSC.

LastQuake app

Free and ad-free mobile application informing citizens in case of an earthquake and gathering their testimonies in the aftermath via comments, pictures, and videos.

Earthquake Fear Survey
date -
mag -
earthquake view settings
i felt an earthquake

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are you safe?

i'm safe
i'm not in the area
we will only use your e-mail address to contact you if we have a scientific question or to help you if you have a technical problem with the app.